Historiographia linguistica 2014, 41, 2/3
Barry Heselwood, Janet C.E. Watson and Reem Maghrabi, The Ancient Greek ψιλά–δασέα Distinction as a Possible Source for the maǧhūr–mahmūs Distinction in Sībawayhi’s Kitāb, 193-217
Karin Margareta Fredborg, Medieval Commentators on the Notion ‘persona agentis’ in Priscian’s Syntactic Theory, 219-245
Otto Zwartjes, More on “Arabic Linguistic Terminology in Pedro de Alcalá” (c.1455–1505), 247-297
Huiling Yang, The Making of the First Chinese-English Dictionary: Robert Morrison’s Dictionary of the Chinese Language in Three Parts (1815–1823), 299-322
Mårten Söderblom Saarela, The Qīng Tradition and the Return of Manchu Lexicography to China (1970s–1990s): The example of alphabetical order, 323-353
Christian Kay, English Lexicographers and their Achievements, 355-368
Reviews, 369-405
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Elisabeth Lazcano (30 mars 2015). Historiographia linguistica 2014, 41, 2/3. Les carnets d'HTL. Consulté le 13 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/m93r