Conference of the Society for the History of Linguistics in the Pacific (SHLP)
Date : 13 et 14 décembre 2018
Lieu : University of Adelaïde (Australie)
We are pleased to announce that the sixth biennial conference of the Society for the History of Linguistics in the Pacific (SHLP) is to be held on December 13th-14th 2018 at the University of Adelaide.
The theme of the conference – “philological fieldwork” – focuses on the theory, practice and rhetoric surrounding the documentation and analysis of “exotic” languages from the 19th to the early 20th century.
It is expected that invited international researchers will attend this sixth SHLP conference.
Abstracts, of less than 250 words, addressing any historical aspect of the collection and organisation of linguistic data are welcome. Abstracts should be sent to Clara Stockigt at the address below no later than the 30th April.
Selected papers treating the history of the development of linguistic understanding will be published in a collected volume.
By broadening the research focus of SHLP beyond the Pacific and focusing on international developments in linguistics, anthropology, history, and history and philosophy of science the conference aims to enhance the understanding of the international context in which Australian languages were described.
If your paper addresses any aspect of the history of the development of linguistic understanding, and you would like it to be considered for publication, please include references with an abstract that is no longer than 500 words. Abstracts should be sent to Clara Stockigt at the address below no later than the 30th April.
Note that the conference dates have been chosen to directly follow the conference of the Australian Linguistics Society being held close by at The University of South Australia 10th-12th December.
We look forward to meeting in Adelaide.
The SHLP 2018 organising committee
Clara Stockigt
James McElvenny
David Moore
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Camille FAIVRE (8 février 2018). Conference of the Society for the History of Linguistics in the Pacific (SHLP). Les carnets d'HTL. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse